How do you stay motivated?
Let’s decipher this mystery with Mahendra Bahubali :)
Suppose you have been thinking about reaching the peak of a mountain like this guy. This is your goal.
But every time you try to surmount the mountain, you fail.
After tolling for years you got a clue what could be up there.
You try to put your some imagination and now you are more excited to go. Because destiny looks more beautiful now.
Now you have a stronger reason to surmount it so you give it another shot.
And finally, pass the first barrier to surmount the mountain.
Now, It’s just the beginning for you to surmount the mountain, even in your sleep, you can’t resist thinking about it.
You again wake up, start working for it, chasing it, madly.
You are doing great and reached a point where you could fail with one wrong step.
Unfortunately, even after your best efforts, you fail and reached a dark pit where everything seems blue and gloomy.
You are now a bit disappointed and a little unmotivated to put in any effort. But again, you can’t stop thinking about your goal and give it another try.
You have reached a point where either you will begin everything from start or will achieve your goal.
Now you need to be more concentrated and focused than ever.
You take your final shot while only aiming for achieving your goal and not thinking about winning or losing.
With hard work and a little luck, you managed to achieve it.
BUT, when you have finally reached the peak of the mountain that you have dreamt of for a long time, you realize your goal was just an illusion.
The Journey just has begun.
Time for the next goal?